About the Experience
How was your
overall experience?:Option AOption BOption COption DOption EComments: My visit to Dr. Beim's office was as a representative of a young patient who was unable to speak English, frightened about dealing with an alien system, and deeply worried about his injury and his inability to understand the procedures involved. I was deeply impressed by Dr. Beim's ability to assess the injury, and her immediate follow-up work to expedite the highly complex surgery by a trauma specialist uniquely trained for this procedure. I was in awe, however, by her kindness, her ability to explain all the exceedingly challenging ramifications, and to put her patient at ease. Her clarity, and (dare I say in a medical dialogue) sweetness, was extraordinary. The follow-through of her office reflected Beim's gifts, and underlined what a good team can do to render the daunting aspects of a severe medical challenge to human scale, and put a patient on a confident path to recovery. The very best of medicine, the very best of humanity.