What is Ultrasound Imaging?
Ultrasound imaging is a common procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce dynamic images (sonograms) of organs, tissues, or blood flow within the body. It can be used for both diagnostic and interventional procedures.
Indications for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
The ultrasound procedure may be performed to evaluate any part of the musculoskeletal system for injury or disease, Some of the common indications include
- Shoulder: Rotator cuff pathology, bursitis, AC joint injuries, AC joint arthritis, biceps injuries and ganglion cysts.
- Elbow: Ligament injuries, effusions, radiocapitellar arthritis
- Wrist: Carpal tunnel syndrome, unstable tendons
- Hand: Trigger fingers, tendon instability, cysts, ligament tears (skier’s thumb)
- Hip: Bursitis, tendon tears, cysts
- Knee: Collateral ligament tears/sprains, patellar and quad tendon injuries, some meniscus tears, meniscus cysts, baker’s cysts, knee effusions
- Foot and Ankle: Achilles tendon injuries or chronic pathology, ligament tears, tendon instability, plantar fasciitis.
- Ultrasound guided injections throughout the body for 100% precision.
Procedure for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
- You will either be seated or will lie down on an examination table depending on the region being evaluated.
- An ultrasound gel will be applied over the region to avoid air pockets and enable better conduction of the sound waves.
- The sonographer will press a small hand-held transducer, which generates and receives the reflected sound waves, against the region to be examined.
- The computer generates images of the region of the body based on the information sent back by the transducer.
- A diagnostic ultrasound procedure is usually painless, but you may, in some cases, experience slight discomfort while the transducer is moved over certain body parts.
- During interventional procedure such as joint injections, ultrasound imaging helps with accurate placement of the needle.
- A normal ultrasound procedure can range from half an hour to one hour.